Update: You can now play the new Judge Dredd mobile slot at Guts casino.
First of all let’s make one thing clear. The Judge Dredd slot will be based on the 2000 AD’s comic book character and not the frankly awful Silvester Stalone 1995 movie.
Neither will it be based around the far superior and strangely underrated 2012 movie which you should go see if you’re a fan of violence, blood and general sci-fi mayhem. That’s our little fun fan tip for you if you want to see what the fuss is around this character but don’t want to slog through almost 4 decades of comic books.
Ok. Now for the good part: what we know about the next BIG Next Gen slot game.
We know the theme and the planned release
We’ve spoken a little about the comic book theme, so you should by now know that the graphics will be heavily stylised and (fingers crossed) remain true to it’s original source.
The release is planned for “Summer 2014”. What does that even mean? Is that June? July? August? What happened to timely release dates when we could all get excited months in advance? Why are slot casino software being all vague this year? We still don’t know the release date of the Game of Thrones slot, and god knows we’ve offered to sell our our soul to get that information.
NextGen, if you are listening, our soul is spoken for, but we’re sure we could probably work something out. Our first-born perhaps?
What can we guess about the Judge Dredd video slot?
Every good anti-hero needs an even worse villain to fight. We suspect Judge Death will feature in there somewhere. And because every good comic book needs women with ample… ampleness… Judge Anderson will probably show up somewhere. Equally, if Judge Dredd doesn’t say ‘I Am The Law’ at least once during gameplay we will throw our hands up in despair at the state of the world.
Here’s what Next Gens spokesman David Johnson had to say on the games: “Judge Dredd’s infamous no-nonsense style of law and order married with NextGen’s proven premium, repeat play slots expertise will make for quite the summer blockbuster title. The initial slot game will be available across our industry’s widest distribution network, and initially to our NYX OGS partners.”
Let’s translate into normal speech:
“Proven premium, repeat play slots” = it’s going to be a video slot, it’s going to have bonus games. What kind of bonus games? Well we always hope they repeat the great game play found in the likes of Medusa slot or even Foxin Wins. We can but hope.
“across our industry’s widest distribution network” = Any casino who has NextGen casino games will get the Judge Dredd slot as soon as it’s out. It won’t be exclusive to any casino. One big happy violent police state family.
“initially to our NYX OGS partners” = … but some will get it before everyone else. i.e Those who use our software for more than just games. This usually means getting the games about a week before anyone else. Leo Vegas casino is a great for that.
Can we expect the Judge Dredd mobile slot?
Absolutely. Not because we have any facts or we’ve been told, but because NextGen Gaming have so far released every one of their new games as both online and mobile slots at the same time. No waiting a month later or never expecting it at all.
We’ll bet our face covering visors that they will release this slot as an Android slot and an iPhone / iPad slot as soon as it’s ready to go all casinos.
The consequence of that however, is that you can expect a lot less NextGen releases as they prepare for Judge Dredd. Just look at this year: Jan we got three new games, Feb we got two, March we got three and April…? One. The average Dragon Drop mobile slot. Don’t expect much more than that until the Judge hits our screens.
It’s now available to play but first read our full Judge Dredd mobile slot review.
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